On-site Research
ReCAP has a reading room available for researchers affiliated with our partner libraries to allow for on-site use of collections. To arrange a visit, begin with your affiliated library. Please note that reading room use must be scheduled in advance. ReCAP does not provide drop-in public research services.
- Columbia affiliates: Using the Libraries webpage or call (212) 854-7309
- Princeton affiliates: Contact the Circulation Services Director.
- NYPL affiliates: Library Card webpage or call (917) 275-6975
- Unaffiliated researchers: Please contact the ReCAP Executive Director for assistance. All of our partners provide some method for unaffiliated researchers to use their collections, and the ED will help to determine which partner staff can best address your research needs.
Once your research visit has been scheduled and materials queued for retrieval, one of our operations coordinators will be assigned to admit you to the facility and deliver materials to the reading room on the day of your visit.